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I am Jo (no pronouns) and have been living in a community in Vienna for several years. I am spending a lot of my time with pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period and breastfeeding and relate it to queerness, feminism, trauma, feelings, racism, privilege, art and aliveness. I am a very sensitive and thoughtful person and like to look honestly into the world.

I studied nursing, which allowed me to support many people of all ages in extreme live situations. I gained a lot of insight into what it can mean to be a human being in this world. Also the challenges people face because of their bodies and how I can support them so they feel less alone in it. I followed my sensitivity and started working in a neonatology after graduating. There I learned a lot about becoming a parent, being a parent and being a baby. Also what it means to accompany a child and parent(s) during this time as a caregiver. When I was invited to accompany a pregnancy and birth, I said yes with all my heart and felt deeply that I was in the right place. My strengths, my intuition and my mindfulness can flourish here.

So I followed the yes within me and did the doula training. I am also currently in the training to become a certified IBCLC breastfeeding counselor, which fulfills me with a lot of joy.

It is a project of my heart to be there as a doula and to help people

through such formative experiences in their lives.

Jo smiles radiantly into the camera and sits leaning forward on an armchair in nature.



Be it pregnancy, birth, postpartum or abortion -

your needs are important. The clearer you know what you need, the better I can support you in getting what you want. Needs-oriented work is one of the cornerstones of my doula support. Needs are not always the same and can change very quickly, especially during pregnancy, childbirth or in the postpartum period. As a doula, I am happy to support you in recognizing and expressing your needs. Your needs show yourself and everyone who accompanies how to make you feel safe and comfortable.


It is a deep concern of mine to offer queersensitive care for pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period in Austria. Pregnancy and birth in particular are very strongly associated with femininity and womanhood. According to some, having a child is actually what makes a woman a real woman. In all of this, there is a lack of space and visibility for queer people. People who do not feel like women and yet have children.

People who find it painful to be called women and to get gendered as one. People who are not monogamous or heteronormative.

People who do not feel safe as queer bodies in institutions such as hospitals or practices. People who do not feel seen and understood for who they are. People who do not dare to share their true identity in fear of being discriminated for it.

I am and live queer myself and it has become my mission to stand up for queer people in the birth world. I am here as a queer doula to bring attention where it is lacking. To create awareness where it is overlooked. And to be by your side when you feel alone.


In recent years, I have dealt a lot with trauma and its impact on relationships and life experiences. I have realised within myself and with others that there are some things in live that are better not to be faced alone. We integrate experiences more easily when we are in relationship and contact. I am there to be an authentic, reliable and sensitive counterpart for you.

It is close to my heart to hold a space in which your feelings and their physical expressions can take place. Emotions are constantly in motion and often have far-reaching roots in our pasts. Deep feelings and memories can be awakened, especially in formative experiences such as pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, or an abortion.

I listen to you actively and I am there with you. I bring a loving view into your emotional world and dedicate myself to provide a framework in which you feel comfortable to listen into your inner self.


Seminarseries Intensive ​

IBCLC Training Part 2

European Institute for Breastfeeding and Lactation ​​

2024/2025 ​​​​ ​​​ ​​


Supporting racism-sensitive

Masterclass web seminar

Neram Niminde

2024 ​​ ​ ​ ​

Racism in obstetrics

Masterclass web seminar

Neram Niminde

2024 ​​ ​ ​

LGBTQIA+ families in breastfeeding counseling  ​

Further training web seminar

European Institute for Breastfeeding and Lactation 

2024 ​ ​​ ​

Lactation  ​​

IBCLC Training Part 1

European Institute for Breastfeeding and Lactation 

2023 ​​ ​​​ ​

Doula training ​

DiA Doulas in Austria 

2022 ​ ​​ ​

Conflict transformation training ​

Relationship with nervous system-based and trauma-integrated approach 

Daniel Remigius Auf Der Mauer

2020 - 2024    ​

Bachelor of Science  ​


FH Campus Vienna 


© 2024 Doula For All 

Fotos: Johanna W. Olivier - Instagram @humandreammanifesto

Data protection


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